
Venus in Sagittarius

Venus in Sagittarius Venus the Goddess of Love is currently wandering through the sign of freedom oriented, higher truth seeking Sagittarius! Venus in our Natal Chart represents what we value on a very personal level. How we relate to people close to us, our needs in relationships, both intimate and with close friends. Sagittarius lends an…

Mars in Sagittarius

Mars in Sagittarius There is a collective sigh of relief as Mars the warrior finally exists Scorpio the realm of the underworld and slips into optimistic, honest, and playful Sagittarius; seeker of higher truth! While mars has spent an unusually long time backed up in Scorpio, giving the opportunity to go deep with in yourself…


Mercury opposing Mars 6/6/16

Mercury opposing Mars 6/6/16 Mercury in Gemini (communication in purest form) is opposing Mars in Sagittarius (action involving higher truth) is an incredible opportunity to blend action and thought together. If we are able to resist the initial urge to react, get angry and especially blame our actions on the behavior of “others”   than…

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